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Due Diligence

 We conduct investigative due diligence services using sophisticated research methods with minimum business disruption and discreetness. We offer our clients actionable information to help them better understand their investments, protect them, and confidently make critical business decisions.

At Prosecure, we tailor our due diligence to each client, their particular needs, and the scope of work. Our job entails thorough face-to-face interviews, review and analysis of public records, visits to physical addresses, and inquiries of human sources. Our due diligence solutions provide a consultative approach to clients undertaking new and significant projects, considering a merger or acquisition, participating in a joint venture (JV), or entering a new marketplace.

Our services include investigation, analysis, or verification of  information, such as:

  • Regulatory history, sanctions, and violations
  • Criminal proceedings and civil litigation
  • Corporate, partnership, and other business records
  • Property and other asset-related sources
  • Professional and educational history
  • Memberships to any professional associations
  • Personal and business reputation

What is investigative due diligence?

It has varied in meaning from different sectors and industries; the most common are:

  • Due diligence investigation assesses the qualifications and records of the people involved in the deal to identify potential inconsistencies, misrepresentations, omissions, or controversies in their backgrounds.
  • Due diligence investigation covers the comprehensive analysis of a person or a business to establish its credibility during a legal transaction, merger & acquisition.
  • Due diligence involves investigations examining corporate entities’ backgrounds and the professionals who manage them.
What is the scope of an investigative due diligence?
  • Misrepresentations of employment history or falsified degree information
  • Bankruptcies, 
  • Accusations in lawsuits, such as fraud
  • Regulatory issues
  • Past criminal records, including traffic penalties, i.e., drunk driving
  • History of litigiousness
  • Undisclosed corporate affiliations, government scrutiny, or a trail of failed companies

Please get in touch with us to get our Investigative DD sample report and learn about the turnaround time (TAT) and fees. 

Our other Corporate Investigation Services are: 

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